Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Looking for most ideal leader

Looking for most ideal leader?  Then you'll have to keep dreaming forever.
Chanakya observes, "A leader is like a honey collector for the king; a honey collector may lick his hand after collecting and storing the honey in the jar, that is tolerable, but if he empties the entire jar for himself then that is big scandal."
Unfortunately people see their leaders only giving them their hand to lick and keeping the entire jar for themselves. This is called corruption of the highest order. If we keep hoping and praying that one day there will be a leader whose hand will remain dry and clean even after he collects honey, then we are in an unreal, fantasy world.
Imperfect human beings cannot give us complete freedom from corruption, but if they can minimize it and allow the honey of human resources to be distributed in amongst their citizens, then he is a good leader.
Find a such a leader who values dharma and fears adharma, and is willing to walk towards maximizing honey distribution and minimizing his own over-consumption. Fortunately or unfortunately, neither do we have an ideal leader like Yudhisthira nor such a nasty one like Duryodhana. We do have some who worship Duryodhana and some who admire Yudhisthira. Choose those who admire Yudhishtira and follow his path. And shun those who are Duryodhana’s fans.
The choice of creating either honey-lickers or jar-devourers lies in our hands.

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