Thursday, 11 December 2014


Vedic systems operates unconsciously whereas  modern systems are operated in a conscious way. In other words this culture is preciously called  the "happening culture" and "the doing culture".
In  the doing culture one takes full charge, and thinks he can manage any amount of numbers. It becomes system centered rather than human centered. On the other hand the vedic system operates from the principle of a happening culture. Meaning, whatever is happening, is happening because it is people centered. Relationship based system.   If the number increases then divide the group, or village. For eg:- The market is not organized but a market happens.
If we go and see different kinds of market setups, we 'll observe that they are a very happening .If they over grow then it is the duty of the king or the minster to divide the village and make it organically operate. This mean that a happening culture does involve system but it is less visible.
Systems are so arranged that they are conscious and aware of every member of the community.  When the market  is unable to identify with a  community member, then it means that the market has over grown, divide it.
Therefore Gandhi spoke of village swaraj, self governance, based on villagers taking the responsibility of their village. Other  villages would provide, if the first village  had trouble. They would never control even remotely  or make a law which had no practical or cultural connection to the previous village.
Whenever the Pandavas with the help of Krishna conquered other states, they never replaced the self rule. On the contrary they continued to assist the local kings to rule.
The locals knew the culture better than the outsiders. This diversity of system was based on the need of that local community.  It is said that,  language and water change quite frequently within the radius of a few kilometers. So super imposing something from some where else shows ignorance of the principle of diversity.
Unfortunately domination by the European imperial rulers coupled with religious exclusivity destroyed many civilizations from the map of the world. The civilisations have been reduced to becoming  museum pieces for  the people to go and watch.
In vedic culture, therefore we see diversity is still maintained but the ignorant people called it chaos
rather than appreciating it as a part of a complex nature, which is diverse.   The beauty of the Pandava rule,  was that they were kings based on inspiration and not on super imposition of  their ideology towards  subordinate kings.
Understanding others in their term and condition is the sign of human sensitivity.  Destroying others in the name of giving them a better culture is sign of arrogance. Helping each other and taking out the rotten one and replacing it with whatever is good for growth of human society is the height of culture.
Pandavas represent this diversity .

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