Sunday, 7 June 2015


Does religion cause violence?
Yes the atheists say, but the religionist object saying, “it is a wrong understanding of religion.  Religion never causes violence, the wrong practitioners cause violence.”  To this the atheist says, we have seen millions of people who got killed in crusaders attack, and  the Jehadi’s attack.  Atheists continue saying, Eslamic countries have a law against changing religion, or giving up religion. If you do change your religion then there is capital punishment. To this the religionist gives his logic to save himself from taking responsibility.  The debate goes on forever. One has the story of Stalin, Hilter,  the example of  jehadis and  the cruasaders. The violence and the debate about violence continues.

Dharmik scriptures do not  disagree about the argument of  both the parties. In fact the Bhagavatam explains  three kinds of faiths, faith in the mode of ignorance, passion and goodness.  Bhagavatam explains that faith in the mode of ignorance has a separatist mentality, people are violent, proud and envious. So the Bhagavatam says this attitude  in religion causes violence. In passion faith looks for fame, opulence and enjoyment, and hence it is competitive and lacks cooperation. In goodness one offers the results to over come the faults of the action. This has the concept of cooperation. And beyond this there is faith which is beyond these three qualities, which constitutes loving the lord only to love him. The same faith when applied in human relationship  translates into friendship and compassion. It never misses humanness.

The Bhagavatam talks about the  clash between Hiranyakashipu and Prahalda. Prahalda was the son and Hiranyakashipu the father. Father was an atheist and son was an ardent devotee of lord Vishnu. The father tortured the son to give up his faith, but Prahalda did not relent. He continued being faithful but never offensive in his behaviour.

Bhagavatam also narrates the story of Daksha  Prajapati  who was faithful but violent in nature .This story is mentioned in the 4th canto. Daksha Prajapati, offended lord Shiva and caused a lot of violence. So dharmik scripture do warn us against  being fanatical about religion, and they also talk about the consequences of not being spiritual on an individual level and collective level.

Ultimately the Bhagavatam teaches us that real non violence is one which makes us develop genuine love for Sri Krishna or the worshipable lord. The Bhagavatam also says that devotees need to be compassionate to those who are distressed, and develop friendship with those who are genuinely practicing spirituality.

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