Wednesday, 18 May 2016


In modern times the human mind tries to uncover what the authors of an epic may have over looked. Urmila is one of the unsung heroines of the Ramayana. She has been completely overlooked by Valmiki and many have accused the writer of doing injustice to Urmila and other ladies.

It is important to understand the foundational principle from the characters of Ramayana and the compiler himself rather than trying to be sympathetic to some one and spoil the taste of Ramayana.
For eg:- whilst cooking all the hard labor of the farmer who grows the different ingredients used in making the delicacy is not seen .Most of the times the host is glorified  rather than the cook so what to speak of the harvester, the farmer.
The farmer remains unnoticed all his life producing what he is meant to produce.The theme of the Ramayana is  that some characters are noticed and others remain unnoticed but both perform unlimited sacrifice.
This is the core theme of the Ramayana, Urmila remains unnoticed but never makes an issue.
Why? Because she is happy serving, being in service is her pleasure and recognition is immaterial .

Valmiki muni is a sensitive author and entertwines different characters according to the mood and plot of the story.
The underlying principle of the Ramayana is that sacrifice is sacrifice it is made with or without  recognition.
Like the farmer is not even remembered while enjoying the high quality food.
Do we ever think of them while eating?
Do we ever glorify them for producing good quality?
Seldom, is it not?
But without them food is not there.

Life moves on with so many sacrifices which are completely unnoticed but the sacrifice is sacrifice. A person with substance does not sacrifice with the intentions of being recognized. If he is glorified he feels dirty. For them sacrifice is a great privilege, and recognition is nothing but a by product.

Let us not tamper with the sensitive Valmiki and silent Urmila who did everything to make their sacrifice since time and immemorial.
A perspective other than this one is not the substance of Ramayana. It is a hollow and shallow imagination of the selfish and small mindedness of non-Ramayana. 

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