Thursday 4 September 2014


People choose leaders who are popular.These leaders may not necessarily perform well in regards to delivering what people need to live--- a wholesome life.
When the leader is worried about his next term position which is based on his becoming popular in this term he cannot deliver what is good for the citizen-- he can only promise what the citizen wants on the  physical plarform.
In the degraded age of modernity, people unfortunately want more of sensuality  and  less of a sense of duty.Modern world teaches us to ask for  rights, facilities and schemes.But the citizens have to fulfill their duties too.
The country where citizens look for facilities only, with no or minimal responsibility,  in such a country even if God becomes king  the citizens will throw  God out of power the next time, in  a democratic system.
The king or the head has to be very responsible and bring a sense of duty even amongst  his citizens.
This may make him unpopular amongst the lazy, and those who  live at the cost of the government take many free schemes and exhaust the treasury of the government.
Unfortunately the number of these kind if citizens will increase as time passes to  the next phase of modernity.
We will have teachers who have given up being responsible to students. ..
We will have people who have given up being responsible husbands,  wives, fathers or mothers.......
or good tax paying citizens.....
We will have citizens who are depending on tax payers money for their security......
We will have students who are taking loans but not paying off......
When the king is surrounded by such burdensome citizens he has no scope of winning through popular vote.
Therfore Mahabharata teaches us to become responsible, one of the most important duty of a  king is to be responsible and make his citizens as responsible as he is.Then with responsible citizens and a responsible king, there will be a legacy of coherent governance.
What do we want a tough king or a  rough life caused by too  many expectations? OR
A life without contribution of any thing to the over all growth of the nation?
It will be a nightmare to handle and deal with our own small problems in such a scenario what to speak of expecting  a complete change without ourselves  changing even a bit.

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