Sunday, 3 August 2014


Dhritharasthra was good at victimizing himself, so that he could rule.
If sympathy  were synonymous to qualification, then tests would not required. Progress requires ability and training. Dhrithrasthra was not qualified, would not be qualified at any time in his life to take the position of king, because of his  disqualification at being born blind.  Based on the principle of sympathy,  he  tried to elevate his unqualified son to be the next king, hoping that society would sympathize with Duryodhana based on Dhritharsthra’s destiny. It was a wrong assumption since  Dhrithrasthra’s lost opportunities at  being disqualified to be  king, could not become the qualification for his son to rule.  This mathematics the kauravas did not understand. In their mind they wanted to rule since their father was disallowed from ruling.
It is strange but true that those who are not qualified want sympathy in the form of elevating their relatives to positions that they are not qualified for .
One’s father’s qualification, does not make the  son a  natural heir to the kingship. He or she has to prove their mettle.   Yudhisthira’s qualifcation  for kingship was not borrowed from his father, rather it was facilitated by the father because he gave the children good values.
Dhristharasthra was not willing to take responsibility for his life events.   Some times a diseased person likes to remain diseased because he finds  sympathy  coming  his way or in other words he relishes the attention  coming his way.
However sympathy is a short lived,  and  the real solution is to take tough steps to avoid , or transcend the disease while living with it. Both require an active involvement of those who  are going through it.
Do you want to live like Dhritharasthra  craving sympathy or like Duryodhana  stealing and grabbing power  or deal with life  like yudhisthira maharaja and just perform your duty?

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