Sunday, 31 August 2014


Abhimanyu was married to Uttara when his parents were  preparing for war with the Kurus. Both the parties must  have had an inkling about the uncertainity of life due to the impending war. 
From a  pure practical point of view it was not a wise decision on the part of King of Virata to marry his daughter to young Abhimanyu, who was more enthused about the  proposal of war than  marriage. He was eager to fight for justice on behalf of his parents whom the Kurus had cheated in the gambling match.
Virata was willing to put his daughter in a very difficult situation by arranging her marriage with Abhimanyu, who could be killed within  a few days or a month after his marriage. Why would some one do this -  instead why not wait till she could be assured of some certainty to have a long happy married life. And sure enough she did become a widow within a few months of her marriage. Her husband was brutally killed by six maharathis. So what was her gain? Simply suffering?
No situations have only one perspecetive.
Virata was a great king, and had respect towards the pandavas.  Marrying his daughter to Abhimanyu was certainly not  a materially profitable deicion from one point of view.  In this situation Uttara said she was willing to take the responsibility of allowing her husband to perform the great sacrifice and become  the wife of an immortal husband.
 Abhimanyu  planted the seed of his heart and his very existence of being very dear to his parents and a loving nephew of Krishna, in the form of his son Pariksita before the great sacrifice.
Pariksita became the famous pandava grand son.
He ruled for  more years than the pandavas, and  was a great devotee of the supreme God  Krishna.
Bhagavata, the Great purana was spoken non stop for seven days  and seven nights for the sake of Pariksita.
This discourse is immortal and has became the  life and soul  of all vaishanvas, and the heart beat of Indians. The Bhagvata was one of the major text books in school till the Britishers came to India and impletented their education system.
Abhimanyuu did die early, but he was like a  powerful medicine that goes into our system and destroys the disease itself and along with disappearance of the disease the medicine  also becomes non existent.
“Sacrifice”  of the medicine's existence cures the patient of his disease.  Similarly, Abhimany’s death was  not death rather his dedication for the cause of the pandvas. So  it created  a legacy of  kings who were responsible and devotional.
If we had the facility and access  of asking Uttara the wife of Abhimnayu, who  was his wife  only for a few days and a widow for many years, we could ask her - whether she preferred  a happy and long married life or being Abhimanyu 's wife for a  few days?
What would she choose?
She would certainy choose  to marry Abhimanyu several times rather than marrying  anyone  and living just  "happily."
Both Uttara and Abhimnyu had  such an admirable  attitude that they invoked Pariksita a great soul in her womb who became a great emperor for the world.
We have to ask ourselves, was Virata wrong in his decision?
Is marriage an act simply to be happy?
Or is marriage an act  to bring exemplary citizens to the world who are a boon and not a burden to  this world.

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