Thursday, 21 August 2014


Chanakya  Pandit very wittily says, "one who listens to gambling in the morning, women in the afternoon, and robbery in the night becomes a member of the refined people."
Even as recent as 1830 the village schools in India made these activities common amongst the young children and assured them of  great success in life.
What was Chanakya Pandit speaking about? He was speaking about the life line of Bharata bhumi:
1.The  Mahabharata
2.The Ramayana
3.The Bhagavat.
With all kinds of diversity, dress, language, food and diverse kinds of worship, one thing was common in schools --- the study of these three books.
Mahabharata teaches us life skills. Ramayana teaches us characters skills.  Bhagavata teaches us love skills.  Learning these essentil skills makes one a wholesome and skillful person, an integrated personality with  a perfect perception.
The foundational principles for any one to live, grow and leave from this world are:
2.Good character
3.Art of living
Those who have live by these foundational principles are said to have  traversed the  journey of life successfully.
Gambling, women, and robbery is going on but it is  going on without these three wisdom books.
The effects of what  we are  creating are  clearly visible :
A society with less heart but many artists, muicians and actors
Less sportsman spirit  in life, but  many sportstars,
Lots of  wealth but less meangingful relationships.
Less understanding in spite of do many  communication techniques
Lack of health and stale eatables even though man has access to a great variety of food.
If the Nation cannot  make our holy books a part of our compulsory education at least we can morally as individuals can study it. .
We have the right, responsibility and urgency to talk about gambling, women and robbery .
Choice is ours which kind of gambling, women and robbery we want to speak about and based upon that we will be respond in life.

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